Perfect Tips For Writing a Research Paper

It will make writing less stressful and you can be in control of how the content is presented with your personal point of view.

How To Write A Simple Research Paper

Usually writing a paper takes lots of time. However, if you are not interested in receiving the highest grade and impress your educational institution there are many ways how to make your thesis simple. Do not forget that you may always find assistance by following the 'write a paper for me' request via internet .

  1. Do not think of added value. Innovative approaches and new knowledge require much efforts and time. Select a topic which has already been researched and on which you can find lots of materials and literature. You can slightly change a selected topic that it looks more professional. But do not change too much, otherwise you will have to use other methods and probably other theoretical framework which may make your work a bit more complicated.
  2. Use online sources. Even though some professors insist on going to the library and using published monographs and books in order to write a simple thesis you will not need such an approach. Electronic sources are more than enough especially if you are using google books and academic articles.
  3. Do not spend too much time and efforts on conceptualization. Select few relevant concepts, find their definitions, compare different definitions provided by dictionaries and scholars select the concept which would be the most relevant for your topic.
  4. Do not choose complicated methodology and methods. It is quite popular to conduct interviews for social science students. Even though it sounds simple in the beginning you may encounter many difficulties connected with contacting people, filling in ethical forms, waiting for ethical approval from your University, transcribing all the interviews taken. Same applies for statistical methods. If statistics is not required by your University and major select simple qualitative methodology such as discourse analysis, content analysis, comparative analysis etc.
  5. Try to avoid limitations in general. If you are doing a research about another country make sure that you speak the language of that country. Limitations can be of different nature, they may relate to methods or theoretical framework as well as to research questions. So think everything through before starting to write a dissertation. Limitations can slow you down significantly.
  6. When you think of research questions try not to make them too broad otherwise it will be hard to make a conclusion and answer all the them. Usually you have a limit of 15 000 or 20 000 words therefore a too broad question may be hard to answer. From the other hand, too narrow questions will need much more specific literature and analysis to be answered to.
  7. Very easy way to write your thesis is to turn to other dissertations which have already been defended. They may be found online or in libraries. You can not simply rewrite them however you can use their ideas and some parts from introduction related to theoretical framework, hypothesis, aims and objectives. But when doing so be careful with plagiarism cause some Universities and professors are very strict about it. In some cases plagiarism entails expulsion.
  8. Your dissertation may be simplified with the help of your supervisor or consultants. Do not hesitate to contact them and ask for a piece of advice. You may say directly that you do not have an intention to get the highest result and want to write a simple but good thesis. Professors who have been teaching you are aware of your level of knowledge and skills therefore, they may give you some hints on how to proceed with the assignment. You could also find help here.

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  • Use citations and direct speeches. They can help you to reach a necessary word count without exerting too much effort and writing your own arguments and ideas.

  • Use simple language and do not try to impress your professors with some extraordinary concepts and ideas.
